Strategic Market Analysis


A strategic market analysis is an investigation of the market, a documented one, which is used in order to create planning activities in making decisions about inventory, purchasing, selling, facility expansion, and all the other aspects of running a business. A strategic market analysis is a perfect tool for defining the proper data. As a rule, a strategic market analysis is used in marketing forecasting of sales and analyzing the market. Have an assignment on US economic leadership? Read our free sample: Three main spheres in which strategic market analysis is used are as follow:

  • Market research;
  • Market analysis;
  • Sales forecast 

Our writing analysts are professional writers who work extensively with students from all over the world to improve their writing. We aim to provide the most flexible essay writing service possible. If speaking about the main goal of strategic marketing analysis it should be determined in the following way: to define the attractiveness of the market, to get acquainted with the opportunities and threats this market offers, to determine strong and weak points of a company in a result.  David A. Aaker is that one to outline dimensions of strategic marketing analysis. These dimensions are as follows:

  • The rate of market growth;
  • Profitability of the market;
  • Current and future size of the market;
  • Cost of industry structure;
  • Channels of distributions;
  • Trends of the market;
  • Key factors of success

Strategic Analysis and Planning: What Is The Difference?

Strategic planning analysis is an organizational process to determine the direction of making key decisions in business running. By the way,  our custom business term papers and research papers are written by professional PhD writers. If to compare strategic market analysis to strategic planning analysis, it should be stressed that the first one is more often used in defining the present situation at the market, and the second one is more often used for planning and forecasting the future situation. If speaking about strategic planning analysis in whole, the main three questions, which it helps to answer, should be presented:

  • What do we do?;
  • For what purpose do we do it?;
  • How do we increase?

These are the main points to speak about while strategic planning analysis and strategic market analysis making. If you have received a task of strategic market analysis essay or strategic planning analysis essay writing, with the help of our article you get to know in which direction you should move in order to reveal the topic.

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