Argumentative Essay on Capital Punishment


Writing an argumentative essay on capital punishment is similar to giving a speech to the public. You have your own opinion about capital punishment and provide enough arguments to the audience in order to support it. However, sometimes a lack of arguments is the cause of why an essay writer cannot decide what position to take. So, if you find yourself in the similar situation and do not know what ideas to support the argumentative essay on capital punishment, this article is what you need. You can always purchase argumentative essays and academic papers of high quality from our professional custom writing service.

Arguments FOR Capital Punishment

  • One of the most important duties of our society is to take away the lives of those who kill others;
  • Just the idea of capital punishment itself and knowledge that it exists may prevent a person from killing or kidnapping someone; (read the sample:
  • A person who once has killed someone should not live in society after being set free as he/she may do harm to people once again.

Arguments AGAINST Capital Punishment

  • Capital punishment is morally wrong. By killing someone we become as cruel and brutal as criminals themselves are;
  • One of anti-death penalty editorials published in March 1995 concluded that the murder rate in countries with capital punishment laws are much higher than in the countries without death penalty laws; 
  • Sometimes innocent people are condemned. Very often jury's decisions are unfairly affected by race or money.

Here are also several recommendations on how to make your argumentative essay on capital punishment convincing enough. You may also read and learn how to write English term paper from scratch!

Argumentative essay on capital punishment: Tip 1

Include a couple of impressive quotations from the world famous people (e.g. U.S. Senator Harold Hughes once said, If a community wants to stop killing, it had best begin by killing on its own part. Respect for life is best taught by the observance of life.");

Argumentative Essay On Capital Punishment: Tip 2

Give real-life examples while writing your argumentative essay on capital punishment. Tell a story about a killer who was not imprisoned and condemned to the death penalty if you are a supporter of capital punishment. Tell a story about the people who were unfairly condemned if you want to oppose the death penalty in your argumentative essay on capital punishment.

Argumentative Essay On Capital Punishment: Tip 3

Tell what the World famous Social Organizations say about capital punishment. In your argumentative essay on capital punishment, give examples which of them support and which oppose it and why. Remember, catchy and properly developed ideas are not enough to get an A+! You have to meet all the requirements set! Moreover, you may also order professional essay writing services at our site and get your argumentative essay on capital punishment written from scratch by professional writers!

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